
Retreat! or A Message from Down Below.

This weekend started on a low note. We were all ready to go and see the world's greatest wrestler Reggie Marley in action, but due to the snow, the show got cancelled.

But we'll always have the memories of when we met the man himself.

Friday had to be one of the lamest snow days of all time. We got 5cm of snow and they cancelled school. Back in my day...

Then on Friday night I received and unexpected email:

11:45pm? I was brushing my teeth then. I wasn't even near my computer. But I guess that's what I deserve for having wi-fi, emails anytime, anywhere, from anything?!

Saturday Kristi and I had the treat of getting up at 5:00 to go skiing with the youth. Surprisingly everyone was on time and we left shortly after 6:00. Arriving at Talisman at around 8:15 only to find that Talisman had no electricity!

We then hung around while we tried to figure out what to do, then decided on driving the two vans and a bus full of 65 youth to Blue Mountain, getting there around 10:00.

The day of snowboarding was amazing. One of the youth (Jesse) had only boarded once before but by the end of the day was riding on the blue squares (mid-level difficulty) tracks and riding in the glades (off-track). I also felt a lot better than I had snowboarding before. It felt much more natural this time.

Then we drove to a hotel, ordered 18 pizzas (they got annihilated), spent hours in a pool/hottub and crammed as many guys as we could in a sauna (complete with mystery shorts - thankfully we never met the person in the hotel sans shorts - and emergency exit snow dives).

We also made the mistake of watching "Pros vs. Joes" with Shaykhan. Who promptly decided that we should come up with our own game. This involved having to run from one side of the hotel room to the other past an opponent who wanted to make sure you didn't make it. There was many a rug burn and many a shattered dream (a hit to the garbage also entailed). Today I ache much more from the hotel room challenge than snowboarding.

It was a great retreat!

Tonight is the Superbowl. I am unsure of who I wish to be victorious. I'd like to see the perfect season, but there's also something satisfying about seeing the underdog defeat the undefeated super-team, mostly so that Disney can make a movie about it.


Amanda Bast said...

I want to say something extremely inappropriate about that email, but I'm resisting the urge. You're welcome, Kristi.

Lord Kerrance said...

I like that you put it in your "Junk Mail" folder. Tee hee hee, junk.