
The hlog and the best thing ever

Huzzah, finally the oft-spoke about (by us at least) hlog has finally materialized! I for one am excited for it's appearance and for what it's mere presence means. It signifies that the date that Lord Kerrance (Kerry), Mook S. Allen (Luke S. Allen) and myself (the Leb (Caleb)) move in together.

You might ask yourself, why do you keep spelling blog with an 'h'? Well my peers, it's because it's a log of the goings-on at our haus, so I've decided to call it a hlog.

In case you're curious we move in to our new place at varying times between October 1 - November 4, so come by and visit soon after. Also news of a hauswarming party will come soon. My suggestion is that it be NES themed. Any other suggestions will be mulled-over by the Haus Council.

In other news, I bought an iPod Touch (16 Gb) this week, and it's the greatest thing of all time. So whilst I am in Toronto at a work convention I will be able to keep up with how much damage I cause to my room while jumping on my King-sized bed. Or mayhaps play some NES games on it while I am supposed to be working.


Amanda Bast said...

wheeeeew! Link to my blog!

I am much looking forward to your hauslog. But please, if we are together the next time you eat onions, please to not say "Hlog" in my face. Thank you.

Annie said...

'Haus'... I like it. And I am a fan of this hlog, I think.