We also went to Canadian Tire and picked up shovels and salt and a vacuum, making sure to buy a shovel with a METAL EDGE!!!!! to stay consistent with the theme of the day. We also got a rare glimpse of Caleb's dad in action at said Tire. We met a woman and her daughter in the vacuum aisle near a display for a really nice vacuum. There were two of those flip signs with the sale price (you know, the kind that the creepy Wal-Mart happy face is always messing with). Apparently Senor Wal-Mart Face had been there because while one sign read $229.99, the other read $29.99. The woman approached a clerk and asked to get the vacuum for $29.99. When the clerk went to check the price, I helpfully pointed out that the other price was probably correct. She responded with "Yeah, but if they don't give it to me for this price it's false advertising." I could barely squeak out an "OK" before going back to the guys to let them in on it. We wound up hovering around the section trying to look like we really interested in bikes/gravy boats/GT Snowracers (well, the GTs we were interested in) while trying to listen to the conversation. Basically, Mr. Mac said that the store has the right to refuse to sell anything to anyone, and he was invoking that right to not sell her the vacuum for $29.99. Is it bad that I feel good when the customer loses an argument?
That is all.
The only thing that would've been better than seeing my dad own that customer would've been if the poptart guy* would've been there to say "BAAAAAAAAAM!" just after he gave her a what for.
*for the pop tart guy in action see:
I see tacky floral chairs that need to be REUPHOLSTERED with something MANLY and NON-FLORAL.
this post makes me want pizza very badly.
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